Our colleagues from TG Noise, our PIAQUO partner Quiet-Oceans, have completed a significant step by issuing its reports on threshold recommendations this week. […]
Zero pollution and Biodiversity: First ever EU-wide limits for underwater noise

Our colleagues from TG Noise, our PIAQUO partner Quiet-Oceans, have completed a significant step by issuing its reports on threshold recommendations this week. […]
Laurent Beguery has presented the work done in the PIAQUO Life project at the MIRACETI workshop to prevent whales collision. ALSEAMAR gliders are proven to be able to detect and localize sperm whales and fin whales in the Pelagos sanctuary in (almost) real time. A network of 4 gliders have been sent at sea to achieve this performance. […]
We received in October the visit of NEEMO, the European entity in charge of LIFE #PIAQUO‘s monitoring. We had the opportunity to visit the production unit of ALSEAMAR SeaExplorer gliders and Quiet-Oceans buoy moored offshore. […]
Our partner FINCANTIERI S.p.A. has defined the order for the use of CIMA Foundation catamaran to carry out short shipping noise measurement activities in the Ligurian sea . The catamaran is used normally by foundation for research and monitoring the marine environment with particular attention to cetaceans. The activity will start with CETENA S.p.A. – Centro per gli Studi di […]
Kongsberg Maritime is a world leader in marine technology with an extensive portfolio of innovative and integrated products and solutions. Our propellers deliver good fuel economy, low vibration and noise levels and minimal cavitation. Kongsbergs unique capability at Kongsberg Hydrodynamic Research Centre, including two cavitation tunnels, is utilised within PIAQUO where the propeller performance is validated numerically and […]
CETENA S.p.A. – Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale – The Italian Ship Research Centre – is a company of the Fincantieri Marine Group dedicated to research and consultancy in the naval and maritime field. In particular, with its strong expertise in URN estimation and propeller modelling, in the framework of EU PIAQUO Project, CETENA is mainly involved in […]
ESI Group provides reliable and customized solutions anchored on predictive physics and virtual prototyping expertise to allow industries to take the right decisions at the right time, while managing their complexity like it is the case in the PIAQUO project about Underwaternoise for Marineindustry In GOAL 1, ESI Group first develops methodologies and software to predict the noise radiated by propellers […]
Know-how and knowledge sharing: two pillars brought by PIAQUO partners such as ALSEAMAR towards the reduction of shipping underwater noise footprint. […]
Goal 3 and 5 leader Quiet-Oceans has successfully deployed offshore Fos-sur-Mer, France, the SMartPAM buoy dedicated to individual vessel URN measurements within PIAQUO project. 2 weeks later, a total of 86 URN measurements have already been automatically performed from which 31 cargo vessels, 31 tankers, and 2 passengers. […]
UNIGE has participated in the 2022 edition of the NAV Conference, gathering this year in Genoa around 200 people. Tomaso Gaggero has had the pleasure to share with the audience the work carried out by UNIGE within the PIAQUO project these last years. […]